Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Avery at the Park with Mom

She was making me really nervous by walking on the swinging suspension bridge!

Such a big girl, she can navigate this jungle gym with no problem!

Video of Avery walking across the suspension bridge

Avery on her way to school

Avery getting ready for school with her purse!

A video of Avery getting ready for school

Monday, January 26, 2009

Avery at the Library, then reading her book

Avery's first trip to the Library - such a proud day for Mom!

Avery reading her book in the bath

Sunday, January 25, 2009

What IS.....?

Avery in January

Avery showing off her new ELMO slippers!
She now wants to wear them all the time!
Nate & Avery watching the mimes perform at Balboa Park - they were really creepy

Mom & Avery hanging out at the Balboa Park fountain

So Avery picks up my iced coffee and starts going to town on it. Needless to say, she threw a major tantrum when I finally took it from her!

Acting as if she owns it!

Talking on her Elmo cell phone at the park

She thinks it's funny because it says her name.
The video above was from Balboa Park.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Avery and her slide adventures!

Avery sliding down all by herself!

Dad making sure she doesn't roll down those steps!

Here she goes!!
This video below is really cute!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Avery in January

All dressed up for school :)

Checking out Curious George on our way to school

Sliding down the hill on New Year's Day - Santee Lakes

Heading with Dad over to the lake

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Voth Family - NYE
Avery on NYE

Performing in our very own Rock Band!
Don't blink!!

Mary & her friends
Hours later, still playing Rock Band
Nate the wannabe rock star and me on drums
Mary & Charity, end of the night
Derek & Mary, end of the night
Nate & Charity, end of the night
This is going to be painful tomorrow morning :)

Avery enjoying her bath with her new Xmas toys!

Look at all those teeth!
O face
Elmo & Dorothy

Christmas with Nate's family

Mom hugging her favorite Christmas present!

Uncle Derek & Avery
Avery striking a plumber pose

Christmas at Mary & Derek's

A Sheriff shirt from Uncle Derek

More Elmo stuff!!!

Christmas Morning at Home

Avery unwrapping all her Elmo stuff!
Dusty Brown: Where is my stuff??