Sunday, November 8, 2009

San Diego Children's Art Museum

Avery rockin' & rollin' in a scoop seat

One of the exhibits were these bee suits that had velcro on them so the kids would stick together. Avery wanted no part in this. She just stared at them like they were freaks.

Oooh, now here is an exhibit we can get into! Bubbles!! She made a bubble wand out of pipe cleaner - part of the whole recycling effort

Avery running around the "Rain House" - a soft styrofoam house where kids can run around. Lots of germs is all I can think of....
Avery playing with a chariot type vehicle that is made with recycled crap. It didn't really work that great.

Now to the clay....she had a choice between clay and paint - she chose clay. I asked her what she wanted to make and she said "Dusty Brown." So we tried to do that. We got home and showed it to Nate who said "wow that looks like a bunch of s***." I told him that's what he gets for sending the non-creative parent to the Children's Art Museum. So after we made what didn't look like Dusty Brown, she decided she wanted to also make Schatzi and Brody (her cousin's dogs). It's like what's with the dogs? Can't you pick something easy like a smiley face or a snail???

Playing with crocodiles - the theme this month at the Museum is animals so Avery was all over that!

My pretty girl!!! Stealing mini bikes from the infants. That's my kid!

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